
9 2023

Lunch & Mussar

12:30PM - 2:00PM  

Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara 524 Chapala Street
Santa Barbara, CA

Contact Ruby Vargeson

$ Cost $ 20.00

Come and enjoy a delicious vegetarian lunch plus Mussar learning with gifted facilitator, Nina Gelman-Gans. Mussar is an 1100-year-old Jewish method of spiritual development based on focused study of character traits to nurture our best self.

Delight and inspire yourself as we combine text study, life wisdom (no pressure!), group insights, confidential self-reflection, and celebratory community. You can anticipate enthusiastic engagement while connecting with heart-based meaningful community. Join us with your open ears and curious heart for thoughtful practices to enliven your soul.

RSVP required, seating is limited. $20 per person, includes lunch.

Buy tickets

For more information contact Ruby Vargeson at rvargeson@sbjf.org.